Abstract Format

While we do not require a specific format, extended abstracts are typically 2 to 4 pages in
length. Abstracts should motivate and describe the problem addressed, outline the main approach, highlight the originality and main contributions of the research, and include selected results of computational studies, if applicable.
Submissions must be made via EasyChair

Submission link:

Submission Timeline

All presentations and printed materials shall be in English.

  • February 14, 2025:  Deadline for extended abstract submission
  • March 14, 2025: Authors notified of abstract acceptance
  • May 23, 2025: Deadline for submission of final extended abstracts
We are pleased to announce that authors will also have the opportunity to publish in special issues.
More details and submission guidelines for these special issues will be provided in due course.
For inquiries regarding submission, please contact


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