On behalf of the RE-IV Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to announce that the 4th International Conference on Radiocarbon in the Environment will be held in the Castle of Charles V in Lecce, Italy from September 22 to 27, 2024.

The conference will be organized by the Applied Physics Group and CEDAD-Center of Applied Physics, Dating and Diagnostics of the Department of Mathematics and Physics “Ennio De Giorgi” of the University of Salento.

Continuing the success of the previous conferences held in Belfast in 2014, Debrecen in 2017 and organised online in Gliwice in 2021, the RE-IV 2024 in Lecce will gather researchers from  all over the world for discussing methods, techniques  and exchanging ideas on the applications of radiocarbon in environmental sciences.

Plenary lectures, talks and poster sessions will be organized in the Castle of Charles V, in the historical city center of Lecce,  where modern infrastructures will be available for a comfortable stay of the participants.

Looking forward to meeting you in Lecce.

Prof. Lucio Calcagnile
Director of CEDAD

Prof. Gianluca Quarta
Department of Mathematics and Physics

University of Salento, Lecce – Italy

Chairs of the RE-IV Conference

Conference program and poster schedule available


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